Cannabis Occasion Diaries

What are consumption diaries?

“The Occasion Diaries” are the first and only body of diary-based cannabis insights spanning wellness, social and health occasions, with future implications for traditional consumer goods, cannabis, and healthcare manufacturers.

Consumers are invited to share how, why and when they use cannabis and CBD products, answering 8 questions about the occasion, need state and products.

This dataset of over 10000 occasions and 3000 consumers provides insight into the product consideration set that consumers are using to solve their Job to Be Done – across cannabis and traditional CPG.

How does the diary work?

Use Occasion Diary data to understand consumer choice


Identify and quantify leading demand spaces

Identify the impact to your products as they compete with the cannabis space

Measure trends by consumer profile and product satisfaction

Develop strategies to maintain occasion share, and capture new ones. Understand when products lose/ win - and why.

Key Benefits:

  • Identify occasion and product adjacencies that may be threatening your portfolio

  • Anchor ideation and innovation development in real-world behavioral insights

  • Inform marketing messaging by better understanding how your consumers are interacting with cannabis, CBD, alcohol, OTC and pharmaceutical medications